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Testarea unui nou sistem de arme ghidate tactice în Coreea de Nord

Kim Jong-un a participat la testările noului sistem de arme ghidate tactic ale Coreei de Nord
© AFP 2024 / KCNA VIA KNSThis undated picture released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on April 17, 2022 shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as he observes the test-fire of a new-type tactical guided weapon at an undisclosed location in North Korea. - North Korea has test-fired a new weapons system, under the supervision of leader Kim Jong Un, that it claims will boost the efficiency of its tactical nuclear weapons, state media said early April 17, 2022.
Северокорейский лидер Ким Чен Ын во время испытательного пуска тактического управляемого оружия нового типа в Северной Корее - Sputnik Moldova-România
This undated picture released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on April 17, 2022 shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as he observes the test-fire of a new-type tactical guided weapon at an undisclosed location in North Korea. - North Korea has test-fired a new weapons system, under the supervision of leader Kim Jong Un, that it claims will boost the efficiency of its tactical nuclear weapons, state media said early April 17, 2022.
© AFP 2024 / KCNA VIA KNSThis undated picture released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on April 17, 2022 shows the test-fire of a new-type tactical guided weapon at an undisclosed location in North Korea. - North Korea has test-fired a new weapons system, under the supervision of leader Kim Jong Un, that it claims will boost the efficiency of its tactical nuclear weapons, state media said early April 17, 2022.
Испытательный пуск тактического управляемого оружия нового типа в Северной Корее - Sputnik Moldova-România
This undated picture released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on April 17, 2022 shows the test-fire of a new-type tactical guided weapon at an undisclosed location in North Korea. - North Korea has test-fired a new weapons system, under the supervision of leader Kim Jong Un, that it claims will boost the efficiency of its tactical nuclear weapons, state media said early April 17, 2022.
© AFP 2024 / KCNA VIA KNSThis undated picture released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on April 17, 2022 shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as he observes the test-fire of a new-type tactical guided weapon at an undisclosed location in North Korea. - North Korea has test-fired a new weapons system, under the supervision of leader Kim Jong Un, that it claims will boost the efficiency of its tactical nuclear weapons, state media said early April 17, 2022.
Северокорейский лидер Ким Чен Ын во время испытательного пуска тактического управляемого оружия нового типа в Северной Корее - Sputnik Moldova-România
This undated picture released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on April 17, 2022 shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as he observes the test-fire of a new-type tactical guided weapon at an undisclosed location in North Korea. - North Korea has test-fired a new weapons system, under the supervision of leader Kim Jong Un, that it claims will boost the efficiency of its tactical nuclear weapons, state media said early April 17, 2022.
© AFP 2024 / KCNA VIA KNSThis undated picture released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on April 17, 2022 shows the test-fire of a new-type tactical guided weapon at an undisclosed location in North Korea. - North Korea has test-fired a new weapons system, under the supervision of leader Kim Jong Un, that it claims will boost the efficiency of its tactical nuclear weapons, state media said early April 17, 2022.
Испытательный пуск тактического управляемого оружия нового типа в Северной Корее - Sputnik Moldova-România
This undated picture released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on April 17, 2022 shows the test-fire of a new-type tactical guided weapon at an undisclosed location in North Korea. - North Korea has test-fired a new weapons system, under the supervision of leader Kim Jong Un, that it claims will boost the efficiency of its tactical nuclear weapons, state media said early April 17, 2022.
© AFP 2024 / KCNA VIA KNSThis undated picture released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on April 17, 2022 shows the test-fire of a new-type tactical guided weapon at an undisclosed location in North Korea. - North Korea has test-fired a new weapons system, under the supervision of leader Kim Jong Un, that it claims will boost the efficiency of its tactical nuclear weapons, state media said early April 17, 2022.
Испытательный пуск тактического управляемого оружия нового типа в Северной Корее - Sputnik Moldova-România
This undated picture released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on April 17, 2022 shows the test-fire of a new-type tactical guided weapon at an undisclosed location in North Korea. - North Korea has test-fired a new weapons system, under the supervision of leader Kim Jong Un, that it claims will boost the efficiency of its tactical nuclear weapons, state media said early April 17, 2022.
© AFP 2024 / KCNA VIA KNSThis undated picture released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on April 17, 2022 shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as he observes the test-fire of a new-type tactical guided weapon at an undisclosed location in North Korea. - North Korea has test-fired a new weapons system, under the supervision of leader Kim Jong Un, that it claims will boost the efficiency of its tactical nuclear weapons, state media said early April 17, 2022.
Северокорейский лидер Ким Чен Ын во время испытательного пуска тактического управляемого оружия нового типа в Северной Корее - Sputnik Moldova-România
This undated picture released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on April 17, 2022 shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as he observes the test-fire of a new-type tactical guided weapon at an undisclosed location in North Korea. - North Korea has test-fired a new weapons system, under the supervision of leader Kim Jong Un, that it claims will boost the efficiency of its tactical nuclear weapons, state media said early April 17, 2022.
Liderul nord-coreean Kim Jong-un a inspectat testele unui nou sistem de arme ghidate tactic care ar trebui să îmbunătățească eficacitatea armelor nucleare tactice ale țării, testele au avut succes, transmite Agenția Centrală de Știri din RPDC (KCNA).
„Acest nou tip de sistem de arme ghidate tactice, dezvoltat cu o atenție specială a Comitetului Central, are o importanță deosebită pentru îmbunătățirea rapidă a puterii de foc a unităților de artilerie cu rază lungă de acțiune și pentru creșterea eficienței utilizării armelor nucleare tactice de către Coreea de Nord și diversificarea sarcinilor puterii sale de foc”, se arată în comunicatul KCNA.
Împreună cu Kim Jong-un, au urmărit testările șeful adjunct al departamentului Comitetului Central al Partidului Muncitorilor din Coreea, Kim Jong-sik, personalul de comandă al Ministerului Apărării din RPDC și comandanții marilor formațiuni ale armatei populare coreene. Testul a avut succes, Kim Jong-un a lăudat rezultatele cercetării științifice în domeniul apărării și, de asemenea, a dat instrucțiuni pentru „întărirea în continuare a capacității de apărare a țării și a forțelor de luptă nucleare”.
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