BUCUREŞTI, 9 iul – Sputnik, Doina Crainic. Al doilea seism puternic care a lovit California de Sud în mai puțin de 48 de ore săptămâna trecută a provocat o fisură masivă lângă Ridgecrest, California, informează Planet Labs Inc, care a publicat imagini transmise prin satelit cu terenul afectat, fotografii realizate pe 4 și 6 iulie.
Ridgecrest Earthquake before (4th July) & after (6th July) images from Doves, clearly showing surface rupture. Thx @rsimmon @PlanetLabs @USGS RT @USGSBigQuakes Prelim M7.1 Earthquake 35.767, -117.605 Jul-06 03:19 UTC, updates https://t.co/waWvmvQZ88 pic.twitter.com/cUNxdMazum
— Will Marshall (@Will4Planet) 7 июля 2019 г.
This video shows earthquake events a few hours before the M6.4 on July 4th, 2019 to present (as of above noon on July 8th, 2019). #earthquake #usgs #californiaearthquake pic.twitter.com/c5JEDynLQ4
— USGS (@USGS) 8 июля 2019 г.
#Ridgecrest surface rupture gif with images from @planetlabs + @Will4Planet pic.twitter.com/nIsmWJt604
— Jacob Margolis (@JacobMargolis) 7 июля 2019 г.
De asemenea, au fost publicate online şi imagini cu fisura văzută de la sol. Autostrada 178, în districtul San Bernardino, a fost închisă după ce o crăpătură uriaşă a deplasat secțiuni ale carosabilului, schimbând într-o anumită măsură topografia din sudul Californiei, potrivit RT. https://www.rt.com/usa/463703-earth-cracks-california-earthquake/?utm_source=browser&utm_medium=aplication_chrome&utm_campaign=chrome
TAKE A LOOK: Drone video shows crack in a California highway following an earthquake! pic.twitter.com/DNNIY13tP3
— 8News WRIC Richmond (@8NEWS) 7 июля 2019 г.
Caltrans District 9 Maintenance crews make repairs to cracks along SR 178 near Trona within an hour after 6.4 quake in Ridgecrest #Caltrans8 @Caltrans9 @CA_Trans_Agency @CaltransHQ pic.twitter.com/FpryJoWVos
— Caltrans District 8 (@Caltrans8) 4 июля 2019 г.
Giant cracks in the ground appear in Mojave Desert near the epicenter of California latest two major earthquakes #California #earthquake #crack #fissurehttps://t.co/ULnv89IfwR via @Strange_Sounds pic.twitter.com/JjmnUsTS1X
— Strange Sounds (@Strange_Sounds) 7 июля 2019 г.